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Data Management Plans - Sponsor Requirements

Overview of Data Management Requirements by Sponsor

Most of MSU’s Federal awards require publicly sharing research publications, and agencies are in various stages of implementing requirements for data sharing.  Researchers are encouraged to review the requirements of the program solicitation, and to check whether there are any requirements or standards set by the specific Center/Institute.  To learn about agency requirements, visit the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition (SPARC) website.  It includes a unique search engine to compare up to three agencies at a time and read about the requirements on one page.  For more information about data management and sharing, see the Data Management Plans - Resources for MSU webpage.

Public Access Requirements

To learn about resources available to support compliance with public access requirements, please visit the Public Access Requirements page.

NIH Data Management and Sharing Requirements

NIH's new Policy for Data Management and Sharing went into effect on January 25, 2023.  This policy requires researchers to prospectively plan for how scientific data will be preserved and shared.  Researchers are now required to submit a Data Management and Sharing Plan with each proposal and to implement the approved plan if funded. Plans should explain how scientific data will be managed and describe which scientific data and accompanying metadata will be shared in common repositories. It applies to all NIH-funded research that directly results in the generation of scientific data, regardless of funding level or mechanism. This expands upon NIH’s current data sharing requirement that applies to projects with $500,000 or more in direct costs in any single year.

Proposal Stage:

Where to Include the Plan

  • Research grant proposals: PHS 398 Research Plan - attached in the "Other Plan(s)" field.
  • Career Development proposals: Career Development Award Supplemental Form - attached in the "Other Plan(s)" field.
  • Contract proposals and Other Transaction Agreements: waiting for NIH to provide implementation details.

What to Include in the Plan

NIH has provided an optional DMS Plan format page.  The template includes italicized text with directions on what to include in each of the elements.  This italicized text should be deleted before finalizing the Plan. NIH has also put together an outline of the Elements to Include in a Data Management and Sharing Plan.  The plan should not exceed two pages.

NOTE: NIH Institutes and Centers (ICs) or funding opportunity announcements (FOA) may have specific requirements for Data Management and Sharing.  Please pay close attention to specific instructions within an FOA, and view the list of NIH IC data sharing policies.

How to budget for Data Management and Sharing plans

Direct costs budgeted for activities within the Data Management Plan should be included as follows:

Detailed Budgets

Budget DMS costs in the appropriate cost category, e.g., personnel, equipment, supplies, and other expenses.  Estimated DMS costs must be specified within the budget justification.

Modular Budgets – Add an Additional Narrative Justification describing the costs budgeted for the DMP.

For assistance with budgeting costs for Data Management Plans, see the OSP Budget Guidelines webpage.

Process for Submitting Requests and Revised DMS Plans at the Pre-Award Stage

Before the award is made, applicants must use the "Data Management and Sharing Plan (DMSP) Revision" section of the Just in Time (JIT) Screen in eRA Commons, to submit a revised DMS Plan.

  • The request must be submitted by a Signing Official.
  • All uploaded documents must be in PDF format.

Note:  SOs can no longer use the "Other File" section in Just-in-Time to submit the revised DMS plan.

Award Stage:

At Time of RPPR

For changes being requested at the time of RPPR (i.e. within 30 days of RPPR submission), in the RPPR Module, recipients must use Section C.5.c to select "Upload Revised Data Management and Sharing Plan" and follow the instructions provided to complete the required entry.  Please feel free to use our NIH RPPR Tips for Administrators webpage to assist with this process.

  • The request must be submitted by a Signing Official.
  • Provide the rationale and justification for the requested changes.
  • Attach the revised DMS Plan in PDF format.

Note:  Starting October 1, 2024, NIH plans to require applicable recipients to address progress on the approved DMS Plan within the RPPR. 

Off-Cycle Requests

Requests for off-cycle revisions to approved Data Management and Sharing (DMS) Plans require prior approval and must be requested through the "Prior Approval - DMS Request" option in the Prior Approval Module.  All requests for prior approval must be submitted at least 30 days in advance of the requested change, and the currently approved DMS Plan remains in effect for the award until the request is approved by the funding NIH IC.  NIH recommends discussing any potential changes with the Program Officer.

  • The request must be submitted by a Signing Official.
  • Include the effective date of the requested changes.
  • Provide the rationale and justification for the requested changes.
  • Provide revised budget document if revised DMS Plan impacts the budget.  Include information for current and future budget periods.  Note: This is not a supplement request.
  • Attach the revised DMS Plan.
  • All uploaded documents must be in PDF format.

Note:  SOs must no longer use the "Other Requests" type in Prior Approval to submit the plan.

Tools and Resources for NIH


NSF Data Management and Sharing Requirements

The National Science Foundation requires all proposals to include plans for data management and sharing of the products of research. Investigators are expected to share the primary data, samples, physical collections and other supporting materials created or gathered under an NSF grant.  Information on NSF's Data Management Plan requirements can be found in Chapter II.C.2.j and in Chapter VI.D.4 of the Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG).

Proposal Stage:

Where to Include the Plan

Upload in the “Data Management Plan” section.  For simultaneously submitted collaborative proposals, only one Data Management Plan needs to be submitted.  The plan should discuss the data issues in context of the collaboration.

If the plan cannot fit within the two-page limit, you may use part of the 15-page Project Description to include additional data management information.

What to Include in the Plan

The Data Management plan should be no more than two pages and address the following items:

  • Data Type – data, samples, physical collections, software, curriculum materials, etc.
  • Standards – that will be used for format and content
  • Access and Sharing – indicate policies for access and sharing
  • Re-use, re-distribution and production of derivatives provisions
  • Archiving, Preservation and Access – plan for archiving and preserving access

NOTE:  NSF Directorates, Offices, Divisions, Programs, or other NSF units may have specific requirements for Data Management Plans.

Tools and Resources for NSF

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